«Business News Agency»
The Federal Business News Agency has been operating in St. Petersburg since 2001. The agency provides readers with the latest news and analysis of all key political, economic and social events in Russia. Traffic of more than 8.23 million readers per month, geography — more than 80% of the country's cities. Engaged in the promotion of the largest enterprises, banks, cooperates with the best PR agencies of St. Petersburg and Russia.
The agency is a place of working meetings, round tables, seminars and press conferences with the participation of representatives of government structures, business and cultural elite and journalists. The agency writes news for those who are busy. The agency is not part of a large holding company that dictates what and how to write. The goal is to allow the reader to draw conclusions without relying on other people's judgments.
Business News Agency provides a wide range of information support services for businesses and public organizations, including the publication of press releases, external press service services and holding press conferences.
- Address: 3-5 Bolshaya Morskaya Street, St. Petersburg, 191186.
- Editor—in-chief - Pavel Dmitrievich Boikov.
- Editorial office phone +7 (999) 202-80-10
- [email protected]
- Marketing Department: [email protected]