«LPK Sibiri»

«LPK Sibiri» – a publication that examines the entire «LPK Sibiri»: from forest legislation and forestry, logging and woodworking, bioenergy and CBP to furniture production and wooden house construction.
In each issue of the journal «LPK Sibiri»: an overview of current problems of the forestry industry with expert comments, reports on events, exhibitions of the LPC, presentation of leading market players, information and analytical materials on the state of affairs of each sub-branch of the LPC, on regional legislation, independent technical reviews of woodworking equipment, which are prepared by the analytical department of the editorial office together with experts and specialists of specialized companies.
The reader is presented with a comprehensive overview of the state of the LPC market, the place of LPC in the economies of Siberia and Russia, the production and structure of the markets of the main types of wood products, the state of export of forest products and export potential in the context of types of products and regions.
The journal «LPK Sibiri» is published jointly with the Ministry of Forestry, the Union of Timber Producers of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
- Circulation – 7000 copies. Issue - 4 times a year.
- A4 format, full–color printing on glossy paper.
- Postal address: Office 109, 27 Molokova str., Krasnoyarsk, 660135
- Tel./Fax: (391) 2-777-427, 2-777-425
- E-mail: [email protected]