RosUpack 2024 Exposition: Showcasing Companies

Over 500 Russian and foreign companies are preparing to showcase their equipment, raw materials and supplies at the RosUpack exhibition to be held on June 18-21.
For 28 years the manufacturers and suppliers of equipment, raw materials and finished packaging have been choosing the RosUpack exhibition to enter new markets and present their products to the professional audience. The exhibition has been confirming its status as a leading industry event for many years, surpassing all competitors in terms of the number of participants, visitors and the exhibition area.
The 2024 exhibition will feature equipment, raw materials and supplies by leading market players, as well as by new companies entering the packaging market for the first time in the current exhibition run. The RosUpack 2024 participants will show new products in 9 sectors of the exhibition. Read more about the exhibition sectors here >>>
You still have time to book a stand at the exhibition in one or several sectors at the same time.

As of today, more than 500 companies have already confirmed their participation in the RosUpack and Printech exhibitions: 420 from Russia, 8 from Belarus, 35 from Turkey, 5 from Europe, 2 from South Korea, 40+ companies from China, and even several companies from the USA and New Zealand.
Over 100 of those companies will be the RosUpack first-timers.
The sector of automation and robotization of production has become a focal point of the exhibition this year. The following companies have already confirmed their participation in the exhibition with such equipment:
COMITAS, the first full-cycle system integrator, which, in addition to logistics/technological design and equipment, independently develops software for automation and robotization of the warehouse and production intralogistics, adapting it to the individual needs of clients.
SofPol, which is going to exhibit for the first time next summer, and is engaged in full automation of production.
The Exposition of equipment and materials for pulp and paper industry will feature both long-term participants and first-timers: PIGMENT, NCBK, UPAKSIZ, DENSET GROUP, P2P, PROFI and others.
As of today, there are already over 220 companies in the Packaging Production Machinery sector, such as Contact Group, Polymer MC, Gofromachines Premium, ZNAK Corporation, SIMECS, ImportPrint, POLIGRAPH-CLUB, J. S. Machine, Zelenaya Territoriya, KIP-Service, UVGRAPH, T-SYSTEMS and many others.
The total exhibition area will keep growing as even more participants are expected in the coming months. Join the leading market players and introduce your company to the community of industry professionals!